Volcán de Agua Climb: Subida por la vida

Subida por la Vida by Nelo Mijangos

Subida por la vida logoOn January 21, Under the name of Subida por la vida, there were over 8,000 people climbing Volcán de Agua (Water Volcano) to form the largest heart in the world at 12,335 feet as part of campaign to bring awareness and to reduce domestic violence. The event will also be a party with music and foot ball matches (the real McCoy) in different venues in Antigua Guatemala. Subida por la vida also stands as manifestation for Peace where Guatemalans want to demonstrate and let the world know that we want peace and we will not tolerate violence any longer.

Here’s the complete program of activities and below is the complete description of the event in Spanish and some maps of the event.

Volcán de Agua, Guatemala
Map of the route of the volcano climb of Subida por la vida El 21 enero 2012, vamos a reunir a por lo menos 8,000 guatemaltecos en una cadena humana de las faldas a la cima del icónico Volcán de Agua. De esos 8,000 participando en la cadena, 1500 llegarán primero al cráter para formar el corazón más grande que el mundo haya visto desde 12,335 pies. El evento será seguido por una fiesta de celebración en el estadio en Antigua para todos los participantes y para las estrellas nacionales que apoyen. La celebración incluirá un partido de fútbol con personalidades y un concierto con El Tambor de La Tribu y El Viento en Contra ya confirmados.

Map of different events of Subida por la vida Para promover la campaña “Rompe el Ciclo” que está inspirando un cambio generacional de actitud en contra de la violencia doméstica, y ultimadamente para reducir los niveles de violencia en Guatemala. Para darle a la juventud de Guatemala un dramático estímulo de energía, unidad y determinación de llevar un cambio positivo a Guatemala. Para recaudar fondos para ayudar a las víctimas de violencia doméstica. Cada participante pagará Q50 y una obra de caridad será elegida a través de un voto democrático en la página de Facebook de Rompe el Ciclo desde 22 Noviembre 2011. Para crear una espectacular imagen positiva de Guatemala que alcanzará a los medios globales.

Subida por la vida Volcan de Agua climb stands for:

  • Over 8,000 people climbing Volcán de Agua
  • 1,500 people forming the largest heart in the crater of Volcán de Agua at 12,335 feet above sea level
  • Awareness campaign against domestic violence
  • Large manifestation for Peace
  • Fundraiser to help the victims of domestic violence
  • A party for Peace
  • To create a huge positive image of Guatemala
  • To bring people together to bring a change in attitude and to have fun

As in previous occasions, our dear friend and dare-devil adventurous reporter Nelo Mijangos took upon the challenge to document this Walk for Life, with pictures and in this opportunity with a GPS track so we can get real data of the climb of Volcán de Agua as experienced on the Subida por la Vida event. Below you will find photos and a map with the actual route walked by Nelo.

I also took photographs of some of the activities put on stage by the organizers of Subida por la Vida around Central Park and Calle del Arco. I know, my day was not nearly as though as Nelo’s, but what can I say, someone has to cover all the cultural events as well. 😉

I also recorded several videos; here’s the first one I am sharing with you about the Maya ceremony asking for blessings from the Gods.

© 2012 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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