Go Chepe Go

Go Chepe Go by Rudy Girón

The news that his grandmother had come to visit the family reached Chepe as he was getting out of school; his sister Nancy just let it straight out, “vos Chepe, fijate que vino la abuelita!” and without realizing it Chepe mounted his bicycle and starting riding as fast as he could to see his grandmother as soon as possible. It had been over two years since his grandma was taken to the United States to live his uncle José. Chepe could not wait for the few hours that separated the afternoon from the evening to go by because he knew his grandma would have the most amazing and thrilling stories about espantos (ghost and appearances) and her unique and outstanding way of telling the stories with the right cadence and intonation. Chepe was making his mental list of espantos he would like to hear stories about, El Cadejo and La Sigüanaba for sure. Can you read his satisfaction as he zipped by?

© 2012 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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