It’s Poinsettia Season in Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Pascuas Guatemaltecas Rosadas

Well, if it is pascua season in Guatemala, you know what that means, right?

As I had shared before, pascuas (Guatemala) and Flor de Noche Buena (Mexico) are how poinsettias are known in Spanish. Poinsettias are native to Guatemala and Mexico and in general can be found in the wild or in gardens, as this salmon color variation shown here.

Pascuas are in full bloom in The Land of the Eternal Spring from late October through March. The most common color is red, but now you can find yellow, white, pink and mixed at your local nursery and shops. Pascuas are an integral part of the Guatemalan decoration for the Christmas season and beyond. They are also given as present quite often.

The crimson of poinsettias is now an integral part of the Guatemalan Christmas rainbow. Pascuas are often found in businesses and homes along with pine needle as Christmas decorations. According to industry statistics, Guatemala is the top grower of poinsettias in the world. Guatemala produces 60 million poinsettias which represents 80% of the production in the world (source: Prensa Libre).

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