Antigua Guatemala Colors — Amarillo and Celeste Colonial

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Antigua Guatemala Colors- Amarillo and Celeste Colonial

Here’s your illustrated Spanish word of the day: Celeste or sky blue. Celeste comes from cielo, sky. Celaje is another word that comes from cielo.

If you really want to dominate the nuances of the second most often spoken language in the world after Chinese, better take some Spanish classes at Máximo Nivel Intercultural Center in Antigua Guatemala.

Here are two of the most popular colours from the Antigua Guatemala palette. Now, this is my problem though, is this yellow Amarillo Tridentino, Amarillo La Merced, Amarillo Pensativo or Amarillo Jocotenango. Can you guys help me determine which yellow is this? Thanks.

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