Consecutive Day 3650 — The City of the Perpetual Roses

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; The rose vendor catching up with all news

Did you know that the slogan for the city of La Antigua Guatemala is “La Ciudad de las Perpetuas Rosas” or the city of the perpetual roses. I disagree with the slogan as at present, there are many more bougainvilleas flowers in every garden and on wall in Antigua Guatemala than roses. However, I believe this was true in the past and that’s why it’s claimed that Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was inspired to write The Little Prince while convalescing in Antigua Guatemala and Lake Atitlán.

The Little Prince (French: ”Le Petit Prince”), first published in 1943, was voted the best book of 20th century in France, and maintains worldwide sales of over one million copies per year. It has been translated into more than 230 languages and dialects, and has sold more than 200 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books ever published. It is the most read and also the most translated book in the French language (source Wikipedia).

Needless to say, there still plenty of roses in and around Antigua Guatemala. Furthermore, roses are still the most popular flower being sold everywhere in Antigua Guatemala.

10-year Countdown Aside: I’ve been publishing for 3,650 consecutive days on We continue the May 1st, 2016 countdown to 3,654 days, or 522 weeks, or 120 months, or 10 years of daily multimedia content from and about Antigua Guatemala.

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