Lesser Known Antigua — Calle Belén in Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Lesser Known Antigua — Calle Belén in Antigua Guatemala

Calle Belén should be 10a calle or Callejón Belén as it’s short alley connecting Plaza Belén with 3a avenida sur final in the south part of town. It’s an interesting alleyway though that in three short blocks connects two parks, three churches in a quiet and colorful neighborhood; well, as long as there’s no precession or jubilee at the church Escuela de Cristo.

Alright, with this entry we finish the Lesser Known Antigua Parts mini series. I hope you have enjoyed the quick look through the less visited areas of La Antigua Guatemala.

Now, we welcome September, the mes patrio, patriotic month, where slowly everything will turn blue and white. Stay tuned! And remember to sign up to get notification updates.

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