Graffiti for International Women’s Day in Antigua Guatemala

In general, graffiti is not tolerated in Antigua Guatemala. So whenever I catch a wall with a message or stencil art I photograph it before they take it down. A sample of stencil art is the wall art at the entrance of Antigua Guatemala portraying Rigoberta Menchú as a candidate for the presidency of Guatemala, back in July 2017.
Below I shared with you some of the posters and banners I was able to captured around March 8, the date for the International Women’s Day.
Even though I don’t like graffiti, I really appreciate the work that was posted all over Antigua Guatemala to bring awareness of how Guatemala is failing its girls and women in general.

Once again, this year Guatemala has nothing positive to offer for the International Women’s Day, in fact the opposite. Sadly, it seems as Guatemala is backpedaling when it comes to given women the basic human rights and protections they are entitled. This is why it is important that we as individuals counteract what Guatemala as a nation can not do for women. Let’s show all women in Guatemala that we care for them every day, not just on March 8.

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