Sights of Our Times — Hot Tourist Spots Sans Visitors


Finally we have a gradual re-opening date for Guatemala: July 27.

The re-opening will be gradual and by municipalities [counties] using a traffic light system that goes from red to orange to yellow to green. Those municipal districts with a red light, 25 or more active infections for every 100,000 people, will be under strict measures, such as, lockdowns, curfews and quarantines and no public transportation. The measures will easy up as the rate of contagion goes down and municipalities move to orange or yellow phase. The green phase will be awarded to those municipalities that can bring the rate of infection to 5 or less actives cases for every 100,000 people.

The green phase will also be call the new normality. Even with a green light, people will still have to keep wearing masks, sanitizing their hands often and keeping a physical distance of 1.5 meters.

Tourism will only be allowed for destinations with a green light.

© 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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