Guatemalan Christmas floral displays: Poinsettias

Here’s your illustrated Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: Pascuas for poinsettias. Scientific name: Euphorbia pulcherrima or Poinsetia.
As I have mentioned before, Flor de Pascua, or simply Pascuas are how poinsettias are known in Guatemala. In case you didn’t know, poinsettias are native to Guatemala and Mesoamerica and in general can be found in the wild or in gardens. Poinsettias are in full bloom in The Land of the Eternal Spring better known as Guatemala from November through March. The most common color is rojo, but now you can find yellow, white, salmon pink and mixed at your local nursery and shops.
Flores de Pascua are the premier Christmas floral displays. They are also given as Christmas presents quite often.
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