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Search results for: "guatemalan choppers"

Guatemalan choppers in Antigua

So, the answer for yesterday’s photo is: the arrival of the motorcycles. I told you before that Antigua is only 45 kilometers …

Guatemalan Policemen At Work

In this tiny office of this building, the Captains’ Palace, two police officers take crime reports, charges and denounces, all under the …

Impossible not to admire

It is impossible not to stop and admire these motorcycles. Besides, when the motorbikes arrive with their loud roaring and begin to …

Come and see the show

It is quite a show to look at the motorcycle clubs arrive in Antigua. Many people gather around them to see their …

Visit The Time Tunnel

In my quest to bring to you ‘new’ vistas of the same ‘old’ places around La Antigua Guatemala, I present to you …

Fine for a Family of Four

This reckless image can be seen often in La Antigua Guatemala, where motorcycles are fast becoming the most popular vehicle (thanks to …

Strolls in Parque Central

El Parque Central (Central Park click the link to see all the previous photos related to the park) is one of the …

Tour Antigua the old-fashion way

One way to tour La Antigua Guatemala is through the horse-powered carriage rides around town. If you can obviate the buses, the …

Requiem for the rain

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” —Pradip I found two great quotes about the rain at …