Visit The Time Tunnel

Time Travel Tunnel in Antigua Guatemala

In my quest to bring to you ‘new’ vistas of the same ‘old’ places around La Antigua Guatemala, I present to you a photograph of the time tunnel located at Palacio del los Capitanes, right across from Central Park. Like the original time tunnel, if you dare to enter this time tunnel, each time you click Palacio de los Capitanes, you will travel in time to a different vista of Palacio de los Capitanes, translated roughly as Captains’ Palace. Make sure you have your boleto en mano (paid fare ticket on hand), otherwise you may run the risk of being trapped in an endless loop of time inside Palacio de los Capitanes in La Antigua Guatemala. 😉

If 10 people care to know the glory details of how to get a photograph with time distortion, like the image above, please raise your voice in the comment area, and I will update this entry with the basic instructions.

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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