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Guateflora: Falsa Maní­a (False Peanut)

Falsa maní­a or Maní­ forrajero (false peanut) as it is known in Guatemala the Arachis pintoi is a cubresuelos (ground-creeping) plant used often in the garden of La Antigua Guatemala. José, our gardener, told me that you can also use it a trepadora (climbing) plant if you guide it. I really like this evergreen plant which flowers all-year-round a tiny yellow flower. According to the Guateflora book, it can grow anywhere and handles well people walking over it.

Little old man

Eric, from Paris Daily Photo, has been publishing a series of photos linked by a ‘walking’ theme. We do not have traffic …

Each Second Counts by Rudy Giron

Make Each Second Count

In Guatemala the cellular telephone companies advertise that they charge phone call by the second. To be honest, I am not sure …

Tough Future!

How can we expect a better future as a country if our future is on the streets working instead of in school preparing to make a better nation?

Antigua Styled Water Fountains

This is another perspective to the Flowers and Fountains post from a week ago. In today’s photo I focused tightly and managed …