2016 Slideshow of the Burning of the Devil in Antigua Guatemala
A few thousand people get together at Barrio de la Concepción in Antigua Guatemala at 6pm on December 7 for the burning …
A few thousand people get together at Barrio de la Concepción in Antigua Guatemala at 6pm on December 7 for the burning …
Is avocado a fruit or a vegetable? Is avocado for sweet or salty dishes? Is avocado for sauces, main dishes or dessert? …
This past Thursday Casa Popenoe, immortalised by Louis Adamic in his book “The House in Antigua”, treated several dozen guests to two …
Of course, we could not leave out on the list of things to do in Antigua Guatemala the TripAdvisor top-rated www.AntiguaPhotoWalks.com, lead …
De La Gente NGO has put together a different and more down-to-earth coffee tour by involving the small plot farmers who belong …
The Avocado Tour is fairly new, a couple of months or so, yet it is one of the most fascinating and interesting …
We jump-start the week after Easter with mini-series in some of the best activities to do in Antigua Guatemala. We start with …
At the Antigua Coffee Workshops you will get a chance to visit a coffee plantation to learn everything there’s to know about …
What happens when you get together a few passionate coffee lovers? A coffee workshop, of course. Soon enough you will be able …
Are you interesting in watching what burning fireworks and firecrackers looks like during New Year’s Eve in La Antigua Guatemala and surrounding …
Convites are a very unusual kind of parade from Guatemala. The most famous convites are from Ciudad Vieja, Sumpango, El Tejar, Villa …
Once again we are celebrating Saint James Day in La Antigua Guatemala, or Día de Santiago, as we call it in Spanish. …
I have to declare parades in La Antigua Guatemala as the second most popular activity after processions, of course. You are as …
Here we have a tocoyales exhibit at Museo del Tejido Antiguo. I know, you are wondering what in the world is a …
You have to love all the free culture that one has access to in Antigua Guatemala. Let me explain. On Día del …