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PHOTO STOCK: First Posada Navideña of 2020

First Posada Navideña of 2020

Let the nine days of posadas navideñas begin. Since this morning, December 15th, there have been sightings of Joseph and Mary’s quest …

Flower Decorations at Parque Central BY RUDY GIRON

Flower Decorations at Parque Central

With each new edition of the Flower Festival of Antigua Guatemala, the flower arrangements and decorations become more complex and elaborate; the …

Burning of the Devil 2017 in Antigua Guatemala

No Sympathy for the Devil

All year long he hides under the bed or in the junk piled up in the corner, casting misfortune or worse on …

Medio Maratón Las Rosas 2017

As every year, a Sunday or two before Día de Santiago, or Saint James Day, celebrated on July 25, a half marathon …