Last images of the Holy Week 2013 in Antigua Guatemala
With this selection of the hermanas cargadoras, the women who carry the smaller floats of the Virgin Mary or other virgins for …
With this selection of the hermanas cargadoras, the women who carry the smaller floats of the Virgin Mary or other virgins for …
In many places of Guatemala on Holy Saturday an effigy of Judas Iscariote is burned. For those who don’t know who Juda …
With this gallery of Semana Santa photos from Antigua Guatemala, Nelo Mijangos shares with us an overview of the many vistas one …
These photographs belong to the procession of Santuario de San Francisco El Grande. Nelo explains that the two wood rods that stick …
Velaciones, vigils, are a very important tradition during Lent and Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala. Velaciones are altars or shrines made for …
As I have mentioned before, Lent and Semana Santa is an equal-opportunity tradition. As you can see here, even little girls get …
As I mentioned yesterday, there will be Lent and Holy Week celebrations in Antigua Guatemala for a long while. These religious traditions …
One thing I know for sure, there will be Holy Week celebrations in Antigua Guatemala for a long while. These traditions are …
The third of Sunday of Lent is the turn for the church of Jocotenango to put the best procession possible and believe, …
The second Sunday of Lent is the turn for the village of Santa Inés del Monte Pulciano. It is at this processional …
Beginning with the first Sunday after Ash Wednesday, there are processions each Sunday of Lent and the first procession comes out the …
The traditions of Guatemala are kept alive by the faith and fervor of the people and that’s exactly what Nelo wanted to …
As Nelo have shown to us this week, many photographers are looking for their unique angle on the Holy Week in Antigua …
As shown at the beginning of the series Holy Week Photographers in Antigua Guatemala, being a cucurucho (carrier) and taking photos of …
Visitors are also among the photography crows that follow the processions during the Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala. You can find all …