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Series, Page 2

Antigua Makes Me Happy — Take 3

La Antigua Guatemala is an equal-opportunity destination; the entire family gets a chance to charge up with good vibes and energy. And …

#GoOrganic: Saving Seeds

This is part of the seed bank at Caoba Farms in Antigua Guatemala, the last stop of the organic tour hosted by …

#GoOrganic: Meet Moringa Oleifera

Caoba Farms specialize in the cultivation of organic produce, mostly edible green leaves and some super foods such as kale. At Caoba …

#GoOrganic: Save the Bees

Ah the bees, who would have thought how important are the bees to the production of food, our food. Alarms have gone …

Guatemalan Portrait: The Soldier

Slowly but surely, the series Guatemalan Portrait is coming along. Obviously there are hundreds of portraits I still need to take have …