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Streets, Page 6

Street Photography Is Like Hunting

We street photographers are like hunters; often we roam the streets, stalking the city for candid, naturally looking, images. Other times, we …

Squeezing A Corner

Today’s photo and Colonial Church Ruins Within My Fingers were the result of fortunate accident. Let me explain. I was playing around …

Motorcycles Are Us

This is how street corners look like now that the strips near the corners have been marked as motorcycle parking only areas. …

Prensa Libre Sponsors Semana Santa

I noticed that Prensa Libre, one of Guatemala’s largest and oldest newspapers, was also sponsoring a processional band this past weekend. I …

Sponsoring The Holy Week

I don’t know if sponsoring the processions for Cuaresma and Semana Santa (Lent and Holy Week respectively) was already common practice in …

What are they guarding?

Let’s know your guesses in the comments or stay tune for an upcoming entry with the answer. 😉

Sidewalk Recovery Plan

If you have been following the AntiguaDailyPhoto for a while, you might remember the La Antigua Guatemala Without Barriers project, or La …

New Street Sweepers in Antigua

The classic image of the old man with his “chiribisco” broom sweeping parks and streets of La Antigua Guatemala is vanishing. The …

Men at Work

The vista cotidiana (quotidian vista) of men working throughout La Antigua Guatemala is more and more refreshing and assuring each day. We …

Chanin Chanin Mija

Chanin chanin mija, we don’t want to become victims of the Guatemalan Diaspora!

Theme Day: Big

127 cities around the world orchestrated a global effort to show the different manifestations of the concept of BIG. I could have …

The Nun and The Limousine

It is quite common to see nuns and priests walking around La Antigua Guatemala since this town is basically almost 100% Catholic. …

Mother and Son Bonding

Today it is your turn to do the caption for this street photo of a mother and son bonding in La Antigua …

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