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Streets, Page 7

Horseback Riding in Antigua Guatemala

It is not unusual to see people riding horses within the streets of La Antigua Guatemala. Some of the horses have been trained to do so gracefully that is a pleasure to watch them go by. Such is the case of this white horse and the jockey that ride as one with refinement and suave stride.

Antigua Tours

If you walk around La Antigua Guatemala, quite regularly, you come across groups of tourists taking tours of the city to learn …

Costumbrism Photographs From Antigua

Okay, here is my contribution to the Costumbrism Photographs From La Antigua Guatemala. What better specimen for the costumbrism photography of Antigua …

Guatemalan Indigenous Women

Here’s the follow-up photo to yesterday’s rear view mirror vista. In this picture, you can appreciate the different cortes worn by the …

Rear View Mirror Vistas

Some people like photos without people; aseptic and sterile images pues. I am the opposite. To me what makes the image interesting …

#1,111: Alameda Santa Rosa

According to my dashboard, today’s entry is number 1111. Go figure! Alameda is the Spanish word for tree-line road or pathway. La …

Another Shuco Hot Dog Por Favor

Next time you are strolling around Antigua Guatemala and you come across street vending carts, like the ones you see above, you’ll …

Horseback Riding Through Town

Whenever you come across people riding horses or donkeys over the cobblestone streets of La Antigua Guatemala you feel like you are …

Gas Tanks are Ugly Too

This is what Guatemalans think of when you utter Tanques de gas (gas tanks); it doesn’t cross their mind the fuel tank …

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