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cocina guatemalteca, Page 2

Guatemalan Cuisine: Pacayas

Today’s entry marks the 1000 consecutive daily pages of La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo. And I thought I wasn’t going to last …

Guatemalan Escabeche

These also make Guatemalans hot! 😉 In Guatemala there are at least two words you can use when referring to pickled foods: …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Pepián

The easiest way to get authentic traditional Guatemalan cuisine is to get a daily menu special at your local diner. For instance, …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Amarillo

This Guatemalan stew takes its name from its yellow-orangy color. Amarillo is the Spanish word for yellow; those living in Texas probably …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Rabo Guisado

Okay, get your Guatemalan notebook handy, we’re about to learn a few Guatemalan words and concepts. Rabo Guisado translate roughly as ox …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Tacos

Tacos is yet another word shared by the Guatemalan and Mexican gastronomy. If you’re accustomed to Mexican dishes, you have to be …