Ambulant Food Vendors Feed the Workers and Students
Two or three baskets show up around lunch time, the pots are open to show the food options of the day. Within …
Two or three baskets show up around lunch time, the pots are open to show the food options of the day. Within …
There’s a myth that declares that the Maya people don’t like to be photographed. Something I have noticed in the over two …
Here’s your Spanish word of the day: Bledo or amaranth. Bledo, chipilín, macuy, iguashte are part of the comidas de canasta, basket …
Today I had the opportunity to taste several Syrah/Shiraz wines from different regions of the world and catch up with many of …
I don’t know if these would be considered fusion food, but I have to tell you it was delicious. This chicken and …
That’s blackberry-chipotle beef steak for you. I don’t remember if I mentioned it before, but in Guatemala blackberry is the berry more …
One aspect that I enjoy very much of the catholic rituals and celebrations is that there’s always food; food for every celebration. …
These are some of the most often used ingredients in the Guatemalan kitchen. This photo was taken at La Fonda de la …
Nachos is what happens when you build upon the concept of the simple Guatemalan tostada de guacamol. Nachos are not a native …