Autunm Morning Light in Antigua Guatemala
Take a photographic tour through the different images of morning light in Antigua Guatemala. Enjoy! Gorgeous Morning Light at Calle del Arco …
Take a photographic tour through the different images of morning light in Antigua Guatemala. Enjoy! Gorgeous Morning Light at Calle del Arco …
It is difficult to frame a shadow, especially if it’s moving, but it can be done. Now, if you had asked me …
Whenever you come across people riding horses or donkeys over the cobblestone streets of La Antigua Guatemala you feel like you are …
With November come the strong winds (Vientos fuertes would say Miguel Ángel Asturias). With the strong winds come the kites. With the kites come the celebrations of the day of the dead and all saints day. With the day of the dead celebrations comes the fiambre, the food to share with our dead. Stay tune for background information on the kite flying rituals and its me