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Zaguan shops of Antigua Guatemala by Rudy Giron

Zaguan shops of Antigua Guatemala

Here’s your illustrated Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: Zaguán for entrance hall or hallway. Antigua Guatemala is full of entrance hall …

The Benefits of Tiendas

One of the benefits of having convenience stores, or tiendas as we call them here, it is fact that if you need …

The Tienda Transaction

I invite you to caption this photograph of an abuelita buying some soda bottles. The winner selected next Wednesday, will get photo …

Un Poco de Todo

I believe that the tienda or tiendita, the typical convenience store, is another Guatemalan institution. What’s the item you must often buy …

Real Guatemala: Los mandados

Each morning the streets are filled with people of all ages going or coming from doing errands, as simple as buying fresh …

Chuchería Time by Rudy Giron

Guatemalan Chuchería Time

My empire for some Tortrix! Believe it or not I have read that quite often on Twitter. On Instagram some one wrote …