Yellow and Blue from Antigua Guatemala
The most common color combination we can make in Antigua Guatemala is blue and yellow since there’s a blue sky everywhere and …
The most common color combination we can make in Antigua Guatemala is blue and yellow since there’s a blue sky everywhere and …
To say that the street signage is deficient in Antigua Guatemala is an understatement. Often times I see tourists and visitors trying …
Today I am sharing a simple street view of Antigua Guatemala. It’s been a while since I posted a street view and …
Here’s your illustrated Spanish word of the day: Celeste or sky blue. Celeste comes from cielo, sky. Celaje is another word that …
What’s your favourite color from Antigua Guatemala. Methinks mine is yellow.
We continue the Antigua Color Series with yellow wall, Amarillo La Merced, to be precise, as backdrop for this interaction between a …
Today I have decided to share with all the people suffering from the harsh Winter cold, this simple picture of Winter sunshine …
Please help me identify these colorful red and yellow flowers I found during one of my morning walks. The first correct answer …
Hurry, we only have a few more weeks of gorgeous light left before the rainy season begins. I wonder why Guatemala does …
Here’s a peak view at the three arches of the entrance of El Calvario church. A few times I have shown these …
El Calvario or Calvary (Golgotha) is the name of the mount on the outskirts of Jerusalem where it’s believed that Jesus Christ …
It’s been a while since I last updated the color palette category. What do you think of the new colors?
I am glad El Calvario Church provides a nice transition from the white cemetery series back to the rich antigüeño color palette while maintaining the death theme going on. El Calvario or Calvary (Golgotha) is the name of the mount on the outskirts of Jerusalem where it’s believe Jesus Christ was crucified. This church with its three arches provides a symbolic representation of the crucifixion; with each arch representing each cross.