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First they came for…

First they came for the Women, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a woman. Then they came for …

Antigua Guatemala Town Criers

Here I present to you the Antigua Guatemala town criers, better known here as the pregoneros. Before newspapers, radio, television, email, Twitter …

Much to do about nothing

This news conference was called for just let people know about the renovations inside the Antigua Guatemala’s branch of the Procuraduría General …

New Closing Time City Ordinances

There is new seismic activity in La Antigua Guatemala’s grapevine. For a while now, I’ve been hearing rumors about new closing times …

Antigua Guatemala Is Not The Real World

I DO hope you understand my editorial line and that you become a fan and follower of the AntiguaDailyPhoto updates in Facebook and Twitter to keep on top of the additional information and news I share with you.

Flyers Launch Pad

What a creative way to distribute volantes, flyers, don’t you think? By the way, I believe it’s time to go out at …

Día del Ejército Holiday

Mañana martes es día del ejército. No sé que nuevo nombre tiene ahora esta “celebración” luego de los acuerdos de Paz. Como …

Breakfast at Doña Luisa

Oh how I wish I could be like Truman Capote and take this avalanche of twits, news, videos about a scandal developing …