Guatemalan Cuisine: Pescado frito

Guatemalan Cuisine: Pescado frito by Rudy Girón

Fried fish is another popular dish in Guatemala. The fried fish presentation above can be found just about anywhere in Guatemala. Normally the fish is fried as one piece previously cleaned. The fish in the picture above is red snapper weighing over a pound. The entire meal was about $10.

The kind of fish most often used as fried fish are mojarras (tilapia), pargo (red snapper), and trucha (trout).

Fish and sea food is quite popular in Guatemala since we are lucky to have access to the Atlantic and Pacific ocean within 10-hour driving time. Literally, you can wake up the sunrise in the Atlantic Ocean take a swim and drive to the Pacific Ocean to watch the sunset and while sipping a very cold Moza beer.

Have you ever had fried fish served in the presentation above?

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