Take My Photo or Simple Rainy Season Vista

Rainy Season Vista

Call it synchronicity or better yet, serendipity because that’s the story behind this simple rainy season vista. For a while now I have decided I wanted to take a photograph of a corner while leaving enough of the perpendicular street and the next block on the frame to make an interesting composition. Think of it as more refine corner shot than the one appearing in Quotidian Corner Life; which is by the way the diagonally opposite corner from where I took this photo. As I have mentioned before, corners are among my favorite places to take daily snapshots of La Antigua Guatemala since there’s so much going on at the crossroads.

Anyway, here I am coming back from a mandado, errand, as I see a picture forming in my head with the repetitive patters of the water bottles, perhaps a new take on the Agua Pura Salvavidas post from 2006 I said to myself; the yellow corner, and the following street with the houses at a perpendicular perspective. That’s it, I pulled out my camera, moved closer to wall so the rain would not fall on the camera, configure the aperture, shutter speed and white balance to capture the scene and begin framing the composition. In the viewfinder I saw the silhouettes of some girls walking by so close to me that I could not see anything else. I was trying to recomposition the photo when I heard one of the girls saying “Take my photo,” as she walked across the street and stood next to the water bottles. Certainly she was not talking to me so I got my face out of the viewfinder to see the other girls standing next to me with a camera on hand. Fine, be part of my photo I said to myself as I put my eye on the viewfinder and just as I was ready the press the shutter button, a line of people with umbrellas formed on the perpendicular street.

Just as the Universe sometimes aligns against you, other times the Universe just puts all the pieces in place for us to steal an image from the never-stopping chaos which we call life.

Synchronicity click.
Serendipity click.

Today’s photograph could be considered a follow up to Monk in San Francisco El Grande Church photograph taken during the dry season. Don’t you agree?

© 2011 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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