Guatemalan Sausages for Fiambre

Guatemalan Sausages for Fiambre by Rudy A. Girón

The especially made sausages for fiambre can now be found in the supermarket and mercados.

Do you know what is fiambre? If not, read on. Fiambre is an extremely rare and unique dish which includes over 40 ingredients; basically it’s a salad made from cold cuts, all kinds of meats, fish, vegetables and pickled vegetables. It’s served on Novem- ber 1st and 2nd for Day of the Dead and All Saints Day. Fiambre is a cold meal of Spanish origin, possibly from the Ex- tremadura provinces in Spain. Fiambre is a very special meal for Guatemalans, and it is only available on November 1 and 2. Follow the white rabbit to see photos of fiambre!

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