Try the Colorful Guatemalan Fiambre Delicacy
In a “normal year,” today we would be commemorating Día de Todos Santos, All Saints Day, and Día de los Fieles Difuntos, …
In a “normal year,” today we would be commemorating Día de Todos Santos, All Saints Day, and Día de los Fieles Difuntos, …
What’s fiambre I hear you asking, right? Well, simply put fiambre is a salad. Go down to the bottom of this post …
On November 1st we celebrate All Saints Day in Guatemala. Lots people fly kites, some fly giant kites. Others go watch the …
Who wants to order an order of fiambre? We do deliveries the world over, 30 minutes or it’s free. Honestly, I don’t …
This is what supermarkets look like around fiambre time. Some of these cold cuts are only available during fiambre season, which is …
All Saints Day is celebrated in Guatemala on November 1. Some people go fly kites, some of them fly giant kites. Others …
If not, read on. Fiambre is an extremely rare and unique dish which includes over 40 ingredients; basically it’s a salad made …
Well, it looks like the Guatemalan fiambre is taking off as it’s being covered by publications abroad such as Saveur Magazine. Here’s …
November 1 is one of the most important dates in Guatemala. On November 1 Guatemalans go to the cemeteries to remember and …
Guatemalan Fiambre is a rare and unique dish which includes close to 50 ingredients. Fiambre is primarily a salad, served chilled, made …
The especially made sausages for fiambre can now be found in the supermarket and mercados. Do you know what is fiambre? If …
There’s no way to go by Día de Todos Los Santos (All Saints’ Day) and Día de los Fieles Difuntos (All Souls’ …
Guatemala is such a colorful country; everything from flora to textiles, from architecture to food is saturated with the richest rainbow. If …
How can we go by Día de todos los santos (All Saints’ Day) and Día de los fieles difuntos (All Souls’ Day) …
I don’t know why the word salad brings all kinds of vegetables to mind. Fiambre is a salad, but it mostly has meats, all kinds: sausages, hams, chicken, sea food, meats pork and beef. It is Domino’s or Pizza Hut that has a meat lover’s pizza with a mere 5 meat. Move over meat lover’s pizza; fiambre has over 25 meats.