Cemetery, Kites and Fiambre Day in Guatemala

Cemetery, Kites and Fiambre Day in Guatemala by Nelo Mijangos

November 1 is one of the most important dates in Guatemala. On November 1 Guatemalans go to the cemeteries to remember and honor their dead. Interesting enough by going to the cemeteries to engage with the departed ones, Guatemalans forge stronger relationships with the living ones and transmit the importance of remembering and honouring their dead.

In Guatemala we celebrate our dead on November 1 and 2 with food such as fiambre, sweets such as dulces de cabecera or header candies which are mostly fruits and vegetables boiled into a brown sugar syrup. Some of these sweets for these dates include ayote en dulce, chilacayote en miel, higos, et cetera. Kites and giant kites and flying them over the cemeteries are also part of the traditions.

We are so very lucky to have the photographs taken by Nelo Mijangos and Geovin Morales in the cemetery today which give us an amazing overview of Día de Todos Los Santos (All Saints Day) and how Guatemalans also spent time with the family at the cemetery remembering their dead.

Photos courtesy of Nelo Mijangos and Geovin Morales.

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