Lent Food: Cheveres and Shucos Hot Dogs

Rudy Giron: AntiguaDailyPhoto.com &emdash;

Panes con pollo, chevere hot dogs and shuco hot dogs are the sandwiches that are present at every town fair and velación, vigil. Of course, there is a big difference between a shuco and chevere hot dog as I explained before:

To the uneducated eye the Guatemalan Chevere and Shuco hotdogs are just exotic hotdogs, but to the Guatemalans these two hotdogs are very different.

For starters, the Chevere hotdog is based on the Chevere brand style of preparation which is as follows: steamed bread bun, add one or two steamed hotdog links (salchicha we call them in Guatemala), cover it with raw grated cabbage and top it with mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard, some people add Picamas green chile sauce.

On the other hand, the Guatemalan shuco hotdog comes with guacamol (avocado sauce), boiled cabbage, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, mustard, hot sauce, and one or more of the following grilled meats: chorizo (Guatemalan red sausage), longaniza (Guatemalan white sausage), salchicha (normal hot dog sausage), ham, bacon, pepperoni, german ham and sausages, chichen breast, beef steak fajitas, polish sausages, et-cetera. Well, at least they do at La Perrada, a hot dog joint in Antigua.

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