Velaciones during Lent and the Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: &emdash; Velación de la Catedral

As explained before during the Lent Food series, Lent has some food that is associated with it and sold at the food stalls out side where velación, vigil, is held. As Lent progresses towards the Holy Week which begins tomorrow on Domingo de Ramos, Palm Sunday, there are more and more vigils per week. Just this week I stop two before Friday and three wore set up on Friday. Here we see another velación set up just outside the cathedral.

By the way, the order of molletes (shown below) and buñuelos is now Q15/$2; up from Q10/$1.25 from a few weeks ago. How many orders would you like?

Rudy Giron: &emdash; Molletes

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