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PHOTO STOCK: Happy Bicentennial of Guatemala's Independence

Happy Bicentennial of Guatemala’s Independence

Today Guatemala and the other Central American countries commemorate the bicentennial of the independence. As part of the no-crowds celebrations, the Banco de Guatemala put in circulation a Commemorative Bicentennial Twenty Quetzals bill… TAP to see the full size photos of the new Q20 bill and to read the complete post.

PHOTO STOCK: Guatemalan Flag at Real Palacio de La Cultura by RUDY GIRON

Let’s Begin the Bicentennial Celebrations

This week Guatemala and the other countries in Central America will be celebrating their 200th anniversary of Independence. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, most massive events will not be allowed. So, Guatemalans are mostly observing the special date with flags, firecracker bombs and fireworks… TAP to see the full size photo and post.

Father's Day in Guatemala

June 17th is Father’s Day in Guatemala

In Guatemala holidays and festivities are not celebrated on the weekend unless that’s date a holiday falls. Today, for instance, we celebrate Día del padre, Father’s Day.