Mayan Matryoshka Portrait

PHOTO STOCK: Mayan Matryoshka Portrait

Today’s photo is the portrait of Jenifer holding her Matryoshka portrait print made prior to the pandemic. Jenifer was kind enough to collaborate with the testing phase of this project. Initially I had thought that we can do five portraits with one photo inside each picture, but after trying it out, I believe 3 portraits is what looks best.

The inspiration for this series are the Matryoshka dolls and the 1966 film “Blow Up” by Michelangelo Antonioni, based on the short story by “Las babas del diablo” written Argentine author Julio Cortazar.

As I have mentioned before, the best way to observe the International Women’s Day is to ponder how much we have advanced in the previous 364 days before towards bringing the same rights, education, salaries, opportunities to women, don’t you agree?

© 2021, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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