Poinsettias Flowers: A Gift from Guatemala to the World

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Garden Grown Red Poinsettias from Guatemala

Poinsettias are autochthonous to Guatemala and Mesoamerica so they can be grown in gardens either by design or as wild intruders as well as in the fields as wild plants. In Guatemala poinsettias are known as Flor de Pascua,  or simply as Pascuas.

Poinsettias or Flor de Pascua are in full bloom in The Land of the Eternal Spring for the Christmas season. They begin to turn red or colors in mid October. The most common color is red, but now you can find yellow, white, pink and mixed at your local nursery and shops. Pascuas are an integral part of the Guatemalan decoration for the Christmas season and beyond. They are also given as gifts quite often.

According to an article I read on Prensa Libre in 2008, Pascuas que cambian de colores (Poinsettias of different colors), Guatemala is the top grower of poinsettias in the world. Guatemala produced 60 million poinsettias in 2008.

Decorate your home or office with high quality prints of your favorite photographs of the vibrant flowers found in and around Antigua Guatemala. It would be honor for me to have one or more of my images on display on the walls in your home or office.

Visit my Vibrant Flowers Gallery to pick your favorite photographs to give as gifts or to decorate your home or office.

© 2021, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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