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Search results for: "city hall building"

City Hall arches 2003-2004

Another shot of the arches in the City Hall (Municipalidad) building. As you can see this was photographed near the end of …

Police Station building

Arches in the Police and Government Building. This is in the south side of the Central Park. In the north side of …

Voting Location Desk

As the national general elections are getting closer the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE, Supreme Electoral Tribunal) is making every effort to speed …

La Antigua Guatemala’s Webcams

Believe it or not, in over 451 entries or 442 days, which ever way you prefer, not once I have mentioned that there are some public webcams in La Antigua Guatemala that you can use. I found the webcams around La Antigua and Guatemala City over three years ago, but the web site that publish their output was awkward and difficult to use, to say the least. So I pick the output of four webcams that I liked, two for La Antigua Guatemala and two for Guatemala City and put them in a webpage in the Revue Magazine website. There is still the problem that the cameras go offline often, but I have no control over that. Here is the link to the web page that collects the output of the four webcams.

Voters Registration Campaign

A new roller-coaster ride has began in Guatemala: it is once again election year. Guatemala has election every four years. Normally people …

A Place to Rest

Inspired by Pamela’s A Place to Rest, which shows a lovely resting area, I decide to follow up with a resting area …