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Guatemalan Fruits

© Guatemalan Fruits: Mangostín by Rudy Giron

Guatemalan Fruits: Mangostín

Here are your Spanish words of the day: Mangostán, mangostino, mangostín and mangosto are variations for Mangosteen. The Times They Are A-Changin’ …

Fresh Fruits All Year Round

We are so lucky in Guatemala that we can have fresh fruit every day of the year. Often times the fruit has …

The Hands That Rock the Coffee

These are the hands the rock the coffee berries off the branches swiftly, almost effortlessly it seemed. There’s something about these hands …

Lichas Are Rambutan

A few days ago Susanita was asking herself about rambutan and loquats tropical fruits. Rambutan, or licha as it is known in …

Guatemalan Fruit: Chico Zapote

Okay, we will finish the Zapote and other exotic tropical fruits from Guatemala week with the Chico Zapote or simply chico which …

Guatemalan Fruit: Mango de pashte

Guatemalan produces several kinds of mangoes (dozens really), but by far mango de pashte (loofah mango) or mango de leche (milk mango) …

Guatemalan Fruit: Caimito

I tell you, those Costa Ricans have no shame. First they made the entire world believe that Central America was them. Then, …

Guatemalan Fruit: Zapote

Many were the contributions of Meso-America to the world in terms of brand-new dietary crops; so long is the list that one …

Guatemalan Fruit: Mamey

Okay everyone, I solemnly declare this week as the Zapotes (sapotes) and other such exotic tropical fruits week. Sapote or tzapotl is …