Fresh Fruits All Year Round

Típicas bolsitas de fruta fresca en venta en La Antigua Guatemala by Rudy Girón

We are so lucky in Guatemala that we can have fresh fruit every day of the year. Often times the fruit has been harvested the day before. I have mentioned before that La Antigua Guatemala is strategically located between exuberant low coastal lands and the highlands, each within a couple of hours from Antigua Guatemala, which means we have access to the widest range of vegetables and fruits all year round. That’s also the reason why you find fresh fruit vendors in every plaza and park in Guatemala.

Each bag of fresh oranges, papaya, tangerines, pineapple, cucumbers, radish and jocotes (/hoe-ko-tes/) or red mombin will set you back about U.S.$0.65. Not too bad if you ask me, what do you think? Is it reasonable?

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