Antigua’s Lamp Shadow
Details, details, details. I also believe that, some times, details are like opportunities: you blink and they are gone. So you always …
Details, details, details. I also believe that, some times, details are like opportunities: you blink and they are gone. So you always …
I said it before, but I repeat it now: I could go on forever photographing the never-ending supply of signs around Antigua. …
I wonder if the blue cap you see on top of the lamp’s pole is actually a sensor to turn on and …
I know I have a problem… what can I say, I like to photograph shadows. Shadow Casting Lamp and Before Sunset in …
Sol Latino is a band that plays mostly Andean and Latin American music. For a long time Sol Latino wonder around the different venues and bar/restaurant circuit in La Antigua Guatemala. Eventually, they managed to get an investor to open up a restaurant-bar so they could have their own stage where to play every night. La Peña de Sol Latino became their home base; thus, they needed to wonder no more.
I will let you in a little secret: I was caught taking the photo of the watchers (the guard and the photographer) so I pretended I was not taking their photo, but rather they were actual visual noise on my attempt to capture the street lamp, the stop sign and the roof detail. It worked, they continued their voyeuristic activities and so did I. Boy oh boy, the things I do for you guys!
Have I told you about my sign fetish… I don’t know if a cure exist for this sing disorder, but for sure La Antigua Guatemala signs do not help; there are SO MANY of them.
Do you know the etymology of fetish? If not you can find in this site… go happy h
The quality of the sunset light during the winter months in La Antigua Guatemala is the best of the year. Almost anything you photograph has this warm feel. If you are in Antigua now, click away like crazy. Even a simple shadow can be warmth, don’t you think so?
Obviously what they sell there has not influenced my appreciation for this wonderful light-blue, celeste in Guatemalan Spanish, corner. I simply liked the light hitting the building and the tourist walking by that afternoon. Also, I like the geometry of the white stripes, the Joyería del Ángel sign and the lamp. You will have to excuse the white sky in many of the photos taken during the rainy season; not much I can do.
In Guatemala the rainy season brings the rainbow season too. The rainy season in Guatemala wets the months or May through October, …
Basically, the first ladies want to promote strategies in favor of the women of the region. If you ask me, this sounds to generic and broad to be taken seriously as a plan to better the situation of women in Central America. They could’ve taken a look at my entry of Guatemalan Women & Killer’s Paradise for two concrete campaigns for their agenda: The elimination of violence against women and solid plans to end the femicides and to bring the killers to justice. But then again, this would not be a suitable agenda to discuss for some fine first ladies while drinking the best coffee of world while staying at the only five stars hotel in La Antigua Guatemala, right?
The sign above is at entrance doorway of the Colegio Mayor de Santo Tomás de Aquino, School of Saint Thomas, and you …
Wow, it is incredible how fast time goes by; it seems like last week when I posted a photo of Antigua’s street …
A detail shot of Antigua’s street lighting. For sure, function and beauty do not have fight each other. Here you can see …