Ceviche from La Naranja Pelada

Ceviche at La Naranja Pelada

It was last year, on May 14th, that I showed a photo of Shrimp ceviche. If I am not mistaken, it was the shrimp ceviche photo that brought me to the attention of Guy from Inner Diablog and viceversa. Interestingly enough, I also met Sompopo [virtually] through a photo of a sompopo back in May 2006.

Anyhow, much has been said about ceviches and there are almost as many spellings [seviche, cebiche, sebiche] as there are recipes from all the different countries of Latin America. But three ceviches styles are the most widely known: The Mexican, The Peruvian and The Guatemalan Ceviche. All seviches have their own twist and I have to admit that the Guatemalan cebiche with conchas (shellfish with dark, almost black, ink) is the least appealing of all. Yet, for those brave enough to have tried it, the Guatemalan conchas ceviche is a total delicacy. Guy from Inner Diablog has spent enough ink talking about ceviches and since he’s a total connoisseur, I rather you go to his blog and read about ceviches there.

There are many great places to eat ceviche in Guatemala and La Naranja Pelada is one of them. It is a habit among Guatemalans and foreigners who enjoy ceviches to share the information of where to get the best ceviche; everybody knows where to find the best ceviche and it is not the same place for everybody. Esperanza and I, for instance, know that the best ceviche can be had at La Blanqui restaunrant-bar in Escuintla.

Okay I’ve done my part. Now it is up to you, can you share with us where to get the best ceviche?

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