Guatemalan Cuisine: Revolcado

Guatemalan Cuisine: Revolcado

Thanks to Michele and Eddie, two loyal readers of AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com, I actually came to La Antigua Guatemala during the Holy Week. We had a great afternoon and we finished our meeting with a delicious dinner at La Fonda de la Calle Real.

I took a few shots of Revolcado (Guatemalan Curried Pork Stew) so I can share with you guys. A quick Google search for the recipe throw the following recipe which I am translating on the fly. Please, leave your corrections and suggestion in the comment area.

Revolcado Recipe (Guatemalan Curried Pork Stew Recipe)

Ingredientes/Ingredients (rinde 6 porciones):

1 cabeza pequeña de cerdo (1 small pig’s head)
1 libra de menudos de cerdo (1 lb of pig’s entrails)
1 libra de tomate (1 lb of roma tomatoes)
6 chiles pimientos rojos (6 red bell peppers)
1 onza de aceite (1 oz of oil)
5 chiles guaques (5 chili huaques)
5 chiles dulces (5 sweet chili {pasilla})
2 dientes de ajo (2 garlic cloves)
2 cebollas medianas (2 small onions)
1 taza de agua (1 cup of water)
una pizca de achiote (a pinch of achiote or annatto as it’s known in English)


Ponga a cocer la cabeza con los menudos. Por aparte, cueza todos los ingredientes con una taza de agua. Licúelos y cuélelos agregando el achote. A continuación pique la carne de la cabeza y los menudos, agrégueles la salsa y cocínelos con fuego lento. Para espesar la salsa agregue masa.

Cook the pork’s head and entrails in a pot. On a separate pot, cook all the other ingredients with the cup of water. Then, put all the cooked vegetables in a blender until you get them all mixed; pass this sauce through a strainer and add the annatto to the final sauce. Next, chop the head and entrails into small pieces and add them to the red sauce and cook them over a small flame. If you need to thicken the sauce, you can add corn dough or corn flour.

Bon Appetite!

Recipes from Guatemala Web Site Update:
I definitely need to get going with the Recipes from Guatemala and Recetas de Guatemala web sites to have an easy way to link to authentic Guatemalan recipes in a well-managed and organized web site. I already have the domain names and recipe books and the photos. Now I only need to find the time to begin uploading and organizing the recipes. Boy, how come days still come with only 24 hours? 🙁

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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