Ubi’s Ceviche

Ubi's Ceviche

Last week Jonathan Gold from LA Weekly and Evan Kleinman host of KCRW’s Good Food program did a review of La Cevicheria, a Guatemalan owned ceviche restaurant in Los Angeles. In the podcast Jonathan declared the Guatemalan ceviche the best of all ceviches and was surprised since, in his opinion, Guatemala does not posses a ceviche tradition.

Huh? That’s exactly what I thought!

I am certain now that the only dishes that you can find everywhere you go in Guatemala are Ceviche and Chow Mein. That, in my humble opinion, should be enough to declare them Authentic National dishes, don’t you think so?

Right after listening to the podcast I decided to create the Ceviche category to collect all the different articles I have published about the ceviche. Guatemala does indeed have a strong ceviche tradition and that’s why ceviche stands, trucks and restaurants are one of the most often food offerings.

Guatemalans love ceviche so much that now one is begining to find Mexican and Peruvian ceviche trucks and restaurants as part of the ceviche options. There are at least three places, that I know of, where one can find Peruvian style ceviche in La Antigua Guatemala and Ubi’s Sushi version of ceviche is pretty darn good. Ubi’s ceviche is very Peruvian although the presentation looks more like a Thai seafood salad (another of my favorites).

I take this opportunity to thank our loyal and long-time reader Santiago for forwarding me a copy of his Peruvian recipe, which I now prepared at home in a regular basis.

Below you can listen to 3:20 minute review of La Cevicheria by Jonathan Gold of KCRW’s Good Food.

[audio:http://download.kcrw.com/audio/379540/379540_2010-07-23-173202.mp3|titles=La Cevicheria review by Jonathan Gold, KCRW Good Food]

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