Valentine’s Day in Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: &emdash; San Valentine's Day in Antigua Guatemala

As I mentioned last week, I want to share the faces of the people I meet and perhaps a tiny bit about their lives. So, here’s another couple of Guatemalans who were sitting on one of the benches at Parque Central showing tenderness and affection to one another. My tactic for this natural street portrait was similar to last week’s portrait, I set the camera settings as I approached them. I took a few photographs while chit-chatting with them and making them blush and smile.

Believe it or not, this was not the best portrait I took of these two lovely Guatemalans, however, I do like how much sunshine is bouncing off them and since I know many of you are enjoying the freezing temperatures and snow in the northern latitudes, I want to share with you how horrible it is here with 23C/75F Winter temperatures.

Día del Cariño Aside: In Guatemala Valentine’s Day has a much wider meaning since Día del cariño, Day of affection or caring, is about celebrating all the different manifestations of love and caring.

Feliz Día del Cariño y la Amistad (Happy Valentine’s Day) to everyone! Wish all of you lovely day!

© 2014 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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