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Casa Antigüeña

Cocina Colonial at Casa Herrera

In my never ending quest of bringing you the contrast of the ‘Old’ Guatemala versus the ‘New’ Guatemala here’s a new take …

Second floor or Mezzanine

As I mentioned before in Casa Antigüeña: The Attic, the building codes in La Antigua Guatemala prohibit new construction of two-story houses …

Casa Antigüeña: Colonial Shower

Simple and elegant, that’s what I think is the essence of the colonial architecture of the Casa Antigüeña. How about you? What …

Casa Antigüeña: The Balconies

What better photo to wave goodbye to the Casa Antigüeña series than an image of the balconies against cloud-free deep blue sky, …

Casa Antigüeña: The Bedroom

We are just about done with the Casa Antigüeña series. Here you can see the master bedroom which basically has two large …

Casa Antigüeña: Tragaluz

The tragaluces (sky lights) are those crystal blocks you see at the far end. Craig was asking if the the light washing …