Holy Week Processions — Jesús del Perdón from San Francisco El Grande
Today was a good day, well make it a Good Thursday since we are in the Holy Week. A day full of …
Today was a good day, well make it a Good Thursday since we are in the Holy Week. A day full of …
On Good Monday, from the finca “La Chacra” comes out the procession of Jesús Nazareno del Santo Viacrucis. This is a small …
Here’s the exit of La Reseña procession from Iglesia de La Merced in Antigua Guatemala. On Palm Sunday one of the most …
Lent processions are for everyone, men, women, boys and girls. Some processions have floats for everybody, but other times the processional floats …
As I mentioned last weekend, the village of Santa Catalina Bobadilla had an early start with its vigil on Saturday, instead of …
It is such impressive vista these massive floats, andas in Spanish, being carried by 80 to 100 cucuruchos through the different streets …
As I’ve said before, the creation of precessional carpets from sawdust, fruit and vegetables, pine-needles, flowers, etc. is a community-forming tradition. The …
As every Sunday during Lent, Antigua Guatemala gets dress of purple, the color of penitence and the streets become crowded with cucuruchos …
The procession of the fifth Sunday of Lent is quite possibly one of the largest processions in Antigua Guatemala. People just refer …
By the end of the 4th Sunday procession which comes out of the village of Santa Ana, Nelo Mijangos had already walked …
The third of Sunday of Lent is the turn for the church of Jocotenango to put the best procession possible and believe, …
The second Sunday of Lent is the turn for the village of Santa Inés del Monte Pulciano. It is at this processional …
Beginning with the first Sunday after Ash Wednesday, there are processions each Sunday of Lent and the first procession comes out the …
Sometimes it seems that antigüeños only celebrate with parades and processions. I say this because almost every month you encounter a procession …
This markings on the streets and sidewalks signal the beginning or end of the different turns of processional floats (andas) which cucuruchos …