Guatemalan Christmas Kitsch

Guatemalan Christmas Kitsch

The market in Antigua was a bit mad last night. There’s a whole little enclave of Xmas kitsch at the rear that I’ve never witnessed before: flashing lights, coloured sawdust, statues of magi bearing frankincense, ovejas de tusa, pine needles etc. Of course I’d left my camera behind. Might go back this evening after picking up the stuffed birds. —Guy

Blame it on Guy for alerting me about the Guatemalan Christmas Kitsch. That’s right, I have done a Guatemalan Christmas Decorations series before which included chicuyas, pino, manzanilla, pascuas, gallitos, corderos de tusa, pajilla, cordones de pino, musgo, pashte, aserrín, corderos de pashte, and nacimientos, but it was only until Guy mentioned it that I realized how kitsch the whole Guatemalan Christmas decoration affair really is. As always, follow the white rabbit to see and learn about the Christmas decoration elements used in Guatemala.

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