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Palo de Izote fragment by Rudy Girón

Palo de Izote fragment

Palo de Izote is the Mesoamerican cousin of the yucca tree or Joshua tree and one of my favorite photographic subjects. Just …

Roof Top and Palo de Izote

Palo de Izote is the Guatemalan equivalent of the Joshua tree. In fact, Palo de Izote is the Mesoamerican cousin of the …

Palo de Izote Reflected

Palo de Izote is the Mesoamerican cousin of the Joshua or Yucca tree. I have a fascination with the Izote tree; I …

Flor de Izote or Yucca tree flower

I don’t know why I have a fascination with the Izote tree, a member of the yucca tree family, also known as the Yoshua tree. Maybe its many arms and hands. Anyhow, I like it and its used often in the hedgerows around Antigua Guatemala. Its white flowers are edible and they are considered a delicacy. The izote tree flower is also the national flower for the neighboring country of El Salvador. You can see the white flowers right above the center of the photograph; you may need to see the larger version to actually see it. So far I have posted several photos of the palo de izote tree, but this one is my favorite.

Izote tree with branches

Izote tree with branches, originally uploaded by rudygiron. Patsy found this tree very interesting. It is called Palo de Izote and it …

Palo de Izote tree

Palo de Izote is a relative of the Yucca Tree. It is present in almost all gardens and fences here and everywhere …

Gourmet Guatemalan Cuisine

Take a stuffed chicken breast and add guacamol, loroco and fried camote and you get a delicious gourmet Guatemalan dish. I really …

Fusion Cuisine Pupusas

Nothing is sacred in the kitchen and fusion is the tendency in vogue. So it comes as no surprise to find new …

Colorful Guatemala

Colorful Guatemala, I tell you, colorful Guatemala! Si ni los mismos guatemaltecos logramos entender la complejidad cultural en la que vivimos… —Ale …

Chicalote’s Flower and Seed Cocoon

Further in the background, you see the leaves of one of Guatemala’s most edible weeds: Quilete (also known as yerba mora and macuy). Yerba Mora is the weed in the background with the tiny yellow flowers. Guatemalans’ diet include many weeds and herbs. I will list them here as a sort of to do list and to see if other Guatemalans can help with translating some of the names. Guatemala’s most edible weed goes by the name of Chipilí­n and it used in so many dishes like chuchitos, mixed with rice, with chicken in a creamy white sauce. Other weeds, that I remember right now, are Bledo (young green amaranth), Berro, Acelgas (chard), Espinacas (spinach), Loroco, Flor de Izote, Flor de ayote. I am sure this is only a fraction of the list… can you point out other weeds and herbs a I left out.