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Search results for: "municipalidad"

Arches at the Jocotenango Municipalidad

Here is another shot taken at the Municipalidad de Jocotenango which shows its yellow façade and abundance of arches. Jocotenango was the community where workers and artisans (indians) lived in colonial times. Nowadays, Jocotenango still provides residence to many of the workers of La Antigua Guatemala.

Guatemalan Flag at Municipalidad de La Antigua Guatemala

There is a missing flag on the other staff; all you have to do is name the missing flag and describe the colors of it and why. Both answers are in the archives of La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo. The first complete answer gets five post cards made from photographs from this site sent via Guatemalan regular post mail. Let the game begin.


Antigua Declares: #YaBasta

Antigüeños held a smaller symbolic manifestation in front of the Palacio del Ayuntamiento, better known as La Municipalidad, City Hall, to coincide …

The rainy season has began

Today’s panoramic picture was taken from the second floor of Palacio del Ayuntamiento, better known now as la Muni; short for Municipalidad. …

Vecino Antigüeño and Visitante Frecuente Parking Stickers

Starting around the second or third week of January, the Municipalidad de La Antigua Guatemala, city hall government, begins extending the “Vecino Antigüeño” [Antiguan Neighbor] and “Visitante Frecuente” [frequent visitor] windshield stickers.

Antorchas de Independencia

As every year, on September 14, people from all over the Guatemala begin marathons to go to another part of the country …

Voting Location Desk

As the national general elections are getting closer the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE, Supreme Electoral Tribunal) is making every effort to speed …

Voters Registration Booth

This is an election year in Guatemala and the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) is rushing to get all potential voters registered and …

The Mayor’s Seat

A few days ago several members of Club Fotográfico de Antigua (Antigua’s Photo Club) and I went to the Municipalidad (City Hall) …

Carreta 5 by Miguel De León Soto


Guatemala is a country of Desaparecidos (disappeared) and La Antigua Guatemala is not an exception. These colorful and friendly street vendors and …

Corner Búcaro Fountain

According to Foursquare, I hold more mayorships than anyone in La Antigua Guatemala, including the current elected Mayor, Dr. Vivar. 😉 So, …

Market Marchers Manifestation

La Antigua Guatemala sí es Guatemala after all. I hate to admit it, but Manolo was right! Just when I think Antigua …

New Closing Time City Ordinances

There is new seismic activity in La Antigua Guatemala’s grapevine. For a while now, I’ve been hearing rumors about new closing times …

Sidewalk Recovery Plan

If you have been following the AntiguaDailyPhoto for a while, you might remember the La Antigua Guatemala Without Barriers project, or La …

New Street Sweepers in Antigua

The classic image of the old man with his “chiribisco” broom sweeping parks and streets of La Antigua Guatemala is vanishing. The …

Men at Work

The vista cotidiana (quotidian vista) of men working throughout La Antigua Guatemala is more and more refreshing and assuring each day. We …

Cups of Light

Exactly one week ago, these cups were fill with light first, then happiness and finally with wine. These cups were used in the inauguration of the new Mayor of La Antigua Guatemala, Dr. Adolfo Vivar of Unión de Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE), and to wave goodbye forever and ever and never again to the former ‘mayor’ Antonio Siliezar; one the worst episodes in La Antigua Guatemala’s City Hall.

Arch column in Jocotenango

Okay enough is enough. If you browse the Arches category you can find 22 entries and that is not counting all the arches that have appeared through the 535 consecutive days, but I have not tagged or classified as arches. Not once I have talked about the simple column that supports the arch; that is wrong if you consider that it takes two columns to support a single arch.

Arch-framed Women in Jocotenango

This is very simple image will allow us to play a creative game. Taking the two women as our characters we will write up one of many conceivable dialogues as the interaction between them. This would be similar to what we did in Opposite Ends of Life #2, which you should look at and read to get an idea. The apparent age difference could be used to set the pair as mother and daughter or sisters or simply co-workers of the newly opened Subway; it is up to you. I will submit the first plausible dialogue.

Voters Registration Campaign

A new roller-coaster ride has began in Guatemala: it is once again election year. Guatemala has election every four years. Normally people …

Tree Branches on Fire

Back on December 16th and 17th, 2006, I showed you what Parque Central (Central Park) looked like with the Christmas lights all …

Santiago’s Fountain

Yesterday I showed you a fountain with four streams. Today we have a rare find. This fountain is inside the Museo de …

A Place to Rest

Inspired by Pamela’s A Place to Rest, which shows a lovely resting area, I decide to follow up with a resting area …

City Hall arches 2003-2004

Another shot of the arches in the City Hall (Municipalidad) building. As you can see this was photographed near the end of …