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Search results for: "men of maize"

We’re Women of Maize

As I said before, it is impossible to think of the Guatemalan, Mexican and Mesoamerican diet without maize. From the Popul Vuh …

We’re Men of Maize

It is impossible to think of the Guatemalan, Mexican and Mesoamerican diet without maize. From the Popul Vuh (Popol Wuj in modern …

On the Way to the Maize Mill

The Guatemalan way of life is rapidly disappearing right in front of our eyes. Today’s entry is such a case, as the …

We’re Hombres de Maíz

As I have mentioned before, it is impossible to think of the Guatemalan, Mexican and Mesoamerican diet without maize. From the Popul …

Guatemalan Tamalito de Elote

Let me introduce the famous “Tamalito de Elote.” Made of corn, it’s one of the simplest ones when it comes to its …

Corn Husk Dolls

Since We’re Men of Maize it’s no wonder that we also do many things with the by-products of maize. We use corn …

The Tortillas Transactions

We are men of maize! It is impossible to think the Guatemalan, Mexican and Mesoamerican diet without maize. From the Popul Vuh …

Lunch With a View

How was it, a room with a view or a lunch with a view? Well, here it was lunch with a panoramic …

Corn, Beans and Light

I enjoy talking to and interviewing the campesinos I encounter on my morning walks on the hills of the skirt of Volcán …

Peasants on their way to work

Another common sight of the #RealGuatemala around Antigua Guatemala is the peasants on their way to work their land. This is especially …

Lent Food: Batido Drink

Batido is a fruity drink topped with a powder called pinol, a coarse flour made from ground toasted maize kernels, often in …

Recycling Around Antigua Guatemala

Often I have shared with you the different recycling programs available around Antigua Guatemala. There are many recycling approaches that people use …

Going to Tend the Milpa

This photos was taken on the outskirts of Volcán de Agua where many people have milpas and orchards. Besides the obvious corn …

Elotes asados

It does not matter where you go in Guatemala, you are certain to find elotes asados (charbroiled corn on the cob). This …

Poinsettias Everywhere

In Guatemala poinsettias are known as Flor de Pascua, Flor de Noche Buena or simply Pascuas. Poinsettias are native to Guatemala and …

Craving Corn: Elote

One of the things I look forward to most when venturing out on a little jaunt outside of La Antigua is elote. …

Colorful Guatemala

Colorful Guatemala, I tell you, colorful Guatemala! Si ni los mismos guatemaltecos logramos entender la complejidad cultural en la que vivimos… —Ale …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Rabo Guisado

Okay, get your Guatemalan notebook handy, we’re about to learn a few Guatemalan words and concepts. Rabo Guisado translate roughly as ox …

Wear it with Pride (Part 3)

Sure, you say, the traje indí­gena is a far out outfit, but are there really symbols encoded in these garments? Once again, …

How to make the perfect Guatemalan Tortilla

Well, for starters you need ‘real’ nixtamalized maize dough (nothing of the maseca flour that Manolo uses), a ‘real’ comal (baked clay griddle) and you need to use ‘real’ leña (wood logs, quite possibly pine). After that, you need a good pair of hand to tortear (hit into shape) a real looking tortilla. You don’t need no sticking mold to shape your tortillas ma’am. 😉

Guatemalan Fair: The French Fries Stall

Papas fritas is the Guatemalan Spanish name for French fries. Here is the abbreviated history that gave us the Guatemalan french fries stall: first the Quechuas or Incas domesticated the potato (Solanum tuberosum) into a crop in southern Peru and northern Bolivia; the Spanish conquistadors took it to Europe where it was an instant hit and along with maize turned a famine-prone population into a healthy society; somewhere in one of the northern European states, quite possibly Germany, the potato lost its skin and got deep-fried; This Eurpean recipe crossed the Atlantic with the new immigrants that came to U.S. and since it was a foreign-looking recipe, they called it French fries (remember Coneheads); so the French fries came to Guatemala along one of the many incursions from the United Stateians (Americans they seem to call themselves 😉 ) as a side dish for the hamburger or the hot dog. Guatemalans thought that French fries were too good to be side dish and turned it into a meal by itself. That is how the papas fritas cart came to be.

Making Tortillas in Guatemala

Yesterday I mentioned that the traditional baked-clay comales are disappearing in Guatemala in favor of the metal comal; heated through gas. All …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Pache

Guatemalan Cuisine: Pache, originally uploaded by rudygiron. Tamales are an ancient American food, made throughout the continent for over 5000 years. How …