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Search results for: "colors", Page 3

Hotel Posada San Vicente Sign

It’s amazing how creative are the sign makers around La Antigua Guatemala. A quick glance at the Signs category can show the …

Spanish-tile Roof Pattern

We, graphic designers, are a weird bunch. We like thinks like patterns, textures, colors, signs, letter shapes, shapes, you name it; if …

Wear it with Pride (Part 3)

Sure, you say, the traje indí­gena is a far out outfit, but are there really symbols encoded in these garments? Once again, …

Doña Gavi Store Wallpaper 2

I could spend a good hour photographing all aspects of La Tienda de Doña Gavi and perhaps bring you a series… but …


Support My Efforts, Use Art Photos For Your Wall Decor! You can now purchase high-quality prints (digitally signed) of any photo available …

Coffee Harvest Time in Guatemala

Yesterday’s photo was a close-up of the coffee bush in the lower left corner of today’s photo. If you click on the image above you can the coffee bushes (the small trees) being harvested under the shadows of the Gravilea trees in San Pedro Las Huertas, La Antigua Guatemala. Around La Antigua Guatemala you can find coffee bushes everywhere, including as part of the hedges of La Compañí­a de Jesús ruins.

Guateflora: Colas de Quetzal

You know you are in a Guatemalan home the moment you see the Colas de Quetzal (nephorlepsis spp.) or Quetzal’s tails (ferns) hanging in the corridors. The Colas de Quetzal bracken has to be one of the favorite ornamental plants used in the Guatemalan home. Some of these ferns or brackens are native to Guatemala, but they are considered cosmopolitan because they can grow anywhere. Colas de Quetzal can grown in hanging baskets, pots or in the ground, but they need some shadow to maintain the evergreen colors. The above photo of Colas de Quetzal was taken at Vivero La Escalonia (5a av. sur final), a very popular nursery in La Antigua Guatemala. Vivero La Escalonia is a great place to have breakfast or lunch.

La Tienda de Doña Gavi Sign

We continue with “the sign fetish” and today’s turn is for La Tienda de Doña Gavi sign. Believe it or not, this tiny store is one of La Antigua Guatemala landmarks and it’s located on the street behind the Cathedral. Doña Gavi sells all kinds of organic stuff in this cozy shop including avocado ice cream. If you come to Antigua, you must visit this shop. If you don’t trust my recommendation, read the On the Road Travel recommendation below:

Porta Hotel Antigua Parking Lot Sign

I am a sucker for signs and La Antigua Guatemala has an amazing palette of signs made from wood, ceramic tiles, metal, paint, glass, etc. Perhaps, I am sensitive to signs because of my graphic design background or maybe because I am sign junkie. I like the colors, the materials and sometimes simply the typography used. The sign above is made from metal, welded together and installed at entrance of the parking lot of Porta Hotel Antigua with a gorgeous hand-made typeface. Sorry, I said I am sign addict and since I try to show you what one is expected to find while strolling around Antigua Guatemala.

Wanted: New Mayor for La Antigua Guatemala

Calzada Santa Lucí­a gets overcrowded with all the stands of the 11 candidates for the La Antigua Guatemala City Hall or Muni as we call it here. They all have their booths, their chants and songs, their promises, their colors, their flyers, their visual and hearing pollution, their trash, et-cetera.

Coffee Table in La Antigua Guatemala

We are back to coffee beans, again, in the form of table available in the patio area of Fernando’s Kaffee. I believe La Antigua Guatemala is blessed because most days you can have your breakfast in the patio and most patios are so full of gorgeous and exotic (for the rest of the world) plants and flowers. I recommend that you have breakfast and a good cup of coffee at Fernando’s Kaffee if you come to La Antigua Guatemala. For those who only want to have access to this fabulous coffee, Fernando confided in me that very soon, in the next couple of weeks, he will begin exporting his in situs roasted selection of Guatemalan coffee beans. You will be able to order any amount of coffee (starting at 3 pounds, I believe); so keep an eye at coming-soon Fernando’s Kaffee web site.

The Three Arches of El Calvario Church

I am glad El Calvario Church provides a nice transition from the white cemetery series back to the rich antigüeño color palette while maintaining the death theme going on. El Calvario or Calvary (Golgotha) is the name of the mount on the outskirts of Jerusalem where it’s believe Jesus Christ was crucified. This church with its three arches provides a symbolic representation of the crucifixion; with each arch representing each cross.

Guatemalan Flag at Municipalidad de La Antigua Guatemala

There is a missing flag on the other staff; all you have to do is name the missing flag and describe the colors of it and why. Both answers are in the archives of La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo. The first complete answer gets five post cards made from photographs from this site sent via Guatemalan regular post mail. Let the game begin.

Guatemalan Fair: The Pine-needle Processional Carpets

The making of these processional carpets is such a community-forming and bonding activity since in the process participate many, if not all, of the neighbors and family members. These traditions, festive calendar dates and special celebrations mark very strongly what makes a normal human being into a hard-core Guatemalan. You break the link or access to these experiences and you only have a person that was born in Guatemala; a fact as worthless as the fact of having had a pair of boots once.

Huge Bougainvillea Tree at El Pensativo River

Believe it or not, the dry green river bed is El Pensativo River. The other day while driving on Calle Chipilapa, which takes you to La Ermita de la Santa Cruz Ruins, I saw this huge bougainvillea tree on the other side of El Pensativo River, dry now but soon it will have running water. I never seen a bougainvillea tree so big; my girlfriend and I saw a midget bougainvillea tree—about 1 meter in height— in Tapachula, Mexico.

Holy Week Elements: Sawdust Carpets

The making of sawdust carpets (alfombras de aserrí­n) with its vivid colors and eye-catching patterns are among the most prominent elements of the Holy Week celebrations. You can come back all this week to see other samples of carpets made with flowers and fruits and vegetables.

What about the Quetzal Jade?

According to Wikipedia, translucent emerald-green jadeitite is the most prized variety of jade both now and historically. Quetzal jade, or translucent emerald-green …

Don’t get burn!

We continue the color tour around Antigua with something simple and utilitarian like kitchen gloves. I am sure Meg would love a …

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Sometimes when you start a series you don’t know where to begin. I have colors, rich saturated colors for you. But, I …

Selling Tortillas on the Streets

The informal economy is the basis for making a living for most Guatemalans. That is why you have shoe-shining boys, orchids sellers, …

Every Corner is Different

If I walk around Antigua Guatemala and photograph all the street corners, I could do a series for a long while just …

Antigua’s Cathedral at Sunset

The quality of the light has been fabulous. I feel the urge to re-shoot almost all the buildings, houses, churches and ruins …

One way or another…

Guatemalan textiles are world-famous. As a graphic designer, I have been intrigued for a long while now about the fact that the …

Pick your color #5

Since the pictures for the last two days had way too many colors, I decided to make today’s choice simple. If you …

Pick your color #4

This is close-up view of the “undocumented alien” in my garden. I plan to have more strict rules for this migrant plants, …

Pick your color #3

On texture through color I introduced you to Café Concepción, a small and lovely bistro, located about half-block away from my office. …

Pick your color #1

Okay, welcome back from an ease going weekend. It is Monday and you want things to be mellow, so I am not …

Requiem for the rain

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” —Pradip I found two great quotes about the rain at …

Theme day: Taxis only

The taxi service in La Antigua Guatemala is anything but reliable. Taxi vehicles come in all colors and makes, mostly Toyota and …

Guatemalan sweets

Guatemalan traditional candies and sweets are still made with fruits and seeds (they are so behind!). At front we have sweets made …

Guatemalan candies

First of all the answer for yesterday question is candies. These are artisan candies and Antigua is one of the best places …

Pump up the color

I am sorry guys, I know it gets boring, but I have to bring another photo with rich colors. These are wrappers …

Natural paint textures

Old window, originally uploaded by rudygiron. Because the high levels of humidity around Antigua, people have to paint their walls often. Not …

Guatemala sells light and color

This is the view from the dining room. Guatemala sells itself as tourist destination and they focus mainly on the colonial towns, …

Antigua’s color palette: yellow

The Antigua’s color palette only accepts about 12 colors. Here you see the antigüeño yellow. This week’s photos will be about the …