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Search results for: "red corner"

Quotidian Corner Life

You don’t have to give your soul to the Devil as as Robert Johnson did at the crossroads to enjoy the quotidian …

Corner Búcaro Fountain

According to Foursquare, I hold more mayorships than anyone in La Antigua Guatemala, including the current elected Mayor, Dr. Vivar. 😉 So, …

Photographing Antigua Corners

It looks like I am not the only one who enjoys photographing corners. Here I captured a fellow photographer who was photographing …

Alto, watch this corner…

Anyhow, I really like the rhythm of the image above. I like all the different actions of the people, almost totally unaware of the camera. Honestly, I am very happy with this particular photograph. I feel it captures, very well, the essence of an usual street scene in La Antigua Guatemala. For those of you who visited this colonial town, what is your opinion?

Every Corner is Different

If I walk around Antigua Guatemala and photograph all the street corners, I could do a series for a long while just …

PHOTO STOCK: Arch of Santa Catalina in Antigua Guatemala by Rudy Giron

Life Goes On in Antigua Guatemala

I have been contacted by quite a few people with interesting in traveling to Guatemala in the coming months and wanted to know how is life in Antigua Guatemala, how are we coping with the pandemic. This is what I told them… KEEP READING.